Friday, July 20, 2018

Changing Splash Screen in D365 Finance and Operations

In this post I am going to show changing splash screen in Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations. In order to change that you need to go under webroot folder found in AOSService folder, in this folder you will find html file with name "App".

In App.html file you will find the following code:

Stylesheet of Splash Screen

Html code of Splash Screen

Current D365 Splash Screen

I made some tweaks in above code and able to change into custom logo.

Hope you find this post useful.


  1. Nice. how to deploy this change to sandbox or production?

    1. Can't be moved using packages, have to be done using access the actual environment.

  2. What changes did you make? Just that one line with the img tag replacing the svg section? I tried that and of course did iisreset but it's still coming up with the standard splash screen.
