Go to Administrative Tools >> Data Sources (ODBC)
In the tab User DSN >> Add >> Choose SQL Server Native Client
Config DSN to your database and server
In the tab User DSN >> Add >> Choose SQL Server Native Client
Config DSN to your database and server
Sample Database
X++ Code
static void DSNConnectivityTest(Args _args)
LoginProperty loginProperty;
OdbcConnection odbcConnection;
Statement statement;
ResultSet resultSet;
str sql, criteria;
SqlStatementExecutePermission perm;
// Set the information on the ODBC.
loginProperty = new LoginProperty();
odbcConnection = new OdbcConnection(loginProperty);
if (odbcConnection)
sql = "SELECT * FROM Persons;";
perm = new SqlStatementExecutePermission(sql);
//Prepare the sql statement.
statement = odbcConnection.createStatement();
resultSet = statement.executeQuery(sql);
while (resultSet.next())
//Always get fields in numerical order, such as 1 then 2 the 3
info(strFmt('Person Id: %1 -> Person Name : %2', strLRTrim(resultSet.getString(1)), resultSet.getString(2)));
//Close the connection.
error("Failed to log on to the database through ODBC.");