The statuses of inventory
transactions represent different process steps in a normal demand and supply
flow. The status impacts the different on-hand balances that are kept in the
inventSum table.
- StatusIssue statuses represent demand and can be thought of as subtractions from the inventory.
- StatusReceipt statuses represent supply and can be thought of as additions to the inventory.
List below describes the StatusIssue and StatusReceipt statuses are used in Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations and AX 2012.
Status Issue
- None
- Sold
- Deducted
- Picked
- ReservPhysical
- ReservOrdered
- OnOrder
- QuotationIssue
Status Receipt
Detailed descriptions of the StatusIssue statuses
- StatusIssue::None - The transaction is not an issue. Therefore, it must be a receipt.
- StatusIssue::QuotationIssue - The transaction was created from a Sales Quotation.
- StatusIssue::OnOrder - The quantity on the transaction is on order. The status is reached when, for example a sales line is created.
- StatusIssue::ReservOrdered - The quantity on the transactions is reserved against an incoming transaction (for example, for a purchase order).
- StatusIssue::ReservPhysical - The quantity on the transctions is reserved against the physical inventory.
- StatusIssue::Picked - The quantity on the transactions is picked from the physical inventory. While the transaction has this status, the pick operation can be reversed, so that the items are put back into the inventory.
- StatusIssue::Deducted - The quantity on the transactions is removed from
the inventory. Ledger postings can be generated as a result of an update to this
status. This status is reached when, for example, a sales order packing slip is
- StatusIssue::Sold - The quantity on the transactions is removed from
the inventory and invoiced. Ledger postings are generated as a result of an
update to this status. This is the final issue status of the transaction. This
status is reached when, for example, a sales order invoice is completed.
Detailed descriptions of the StatuseReceipt statuses
- StatusReceipt::None - The transaction is not a receipt. Therefore, it must be an issue.
- StatusReceipt::Ordered - The quantity
on the transactions is ordered.
- StatusReceipt::Arrived - The quantity
on the transactions is being, or is about to be, transported by using a pallet
transport. The quantity is not yet registered as part of the physical
- StatusReceipt::Registered - Receipt of the quantity on the transactions has
been registered. The quantity is now part of the physical inventory and can be
consumed by an issue. The registration can be reversed, provided that the
quantity has not yet been consumed.
- StatusReceipt::Received - The quantity on the transactions has been
received. The quantity is now part of the physical inventory and can be
consumed by an issue. Ledger postings can be generated as a result of an update
to this status. This status is reached when, for example, a product receipt is completed.
- StatusReceipt::Purchased - The quantity on the transactions has been invoiced. The quantity is now part of the physical inventory and can be consumed by an issue. Ledger postings are generated as a result of an update to this status. This status is reached when, for example, a purchase order invoice is completed.
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